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«A. Zalesov & Partners» Patent & Law Firm represented the interests of the client, a manufacturer of ultrasonic piezoelectric transducers (PEP), in a case of infringement of the exclusive right to the invention under RU patent No. 2499254.

The peculiarity of the case was the fact that the claims were made also against our client, who is a co-patentee of the said patent.

Our team developed and implemented a strategy to protect the client's interests, which was also oriented towards protecting the interests of the second defendant in the case. 

As a result it was proved that the client has the right to use the invention under the patent at its own discretion, including within the framework of entrepreneurial activities, as it is a co-patentee. So there is no fact of infringement. The court accepted our arguments and rejected the claimants' demands in full.

The case was considered in the Zelenograd District Court of Moscow.

The client was represented in the case by the Managing Partner, Aleksey Zalesov,  and Lawyer, Daria Kushnarenko.

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