On July 04, 2022, the Ministry of Justice of Russia registered the Order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation (Minpromptorg) No. 2299 dated June 03, 2022 on the amendment of the list of goods (groups of goods) in respect of which the requirements for the protection of intellectual rights by the right holders of products, that were put into circulation outside the territory of the Russian Federation, are not applied.
The changes relate to the inclusion in the list of goods allowed for parallel importation of brands that have stopped deliveries to Russia, as well as with the exclusion of brands that have resumed deliveries. Thus, the products of such brands as BMW, Siemens, Lego, which permanently left the Russian market were added to the list.
In addition, changes have touched on the list of perfumes and cosmetics, machine tool products, batteries and other products.
Further changes would be brought to the list, depending on the current situation with import supplies.